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DVD Il Piacere
 Il Piacere
 El despertar del placer
Il Piacere
Italy (1985) - Color
Genre: Erotic, Softcore
Directed by: Joe D'Amato
Cast: Lilli Carati, Laura Gemser, Dagmar Lassander
15.90 €
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Label: Edider 88  (Spain)
Status: New
Area: 0 ( All Regions )
Standard: PAL
Ratio: 4/3 - 1.33:1
Audio: Spanish (1.0)
Duration: 90
Rating: 18
Discs: 1
Case: Amaray
Il Piacere -  Film synopsis: Erotic Joe D'Amato tale of a dead mistress and her lover's (Steve Wyler) desire and repulsion for her look-a-like daughter. The daughter, Ursula (Isabella Andrea Guzon), who enjoys listening to her mother's recordings of her intimate moments, sets out to have Gerard as her first lover by becoming the reincarnation of her mother!
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