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DVD Lussuria - Seduzione e tradimento
 Lussuria - Seduzione e tradimento
Lussuria - Seduzione e tradimento
Se, jie
Taiwan (2007) - Color
Genre: Drama
Directed by: Ang Lee
Cast: Tony Leung, Chiu Wai, Joan Chen, Tang Wei, Wang Lee-Hom, Kao Ying-hsien
7.90 €
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Label: BIM  (Italy)
Status: New
Area: 0 ( All Regions )
Standard: PAL
Ratio: 16/9 - 1.85:1 Anamorfico
Audio: Italian (2.0 Mono Dolby Digital:), Chinese (2.0 Mono Dolby Digital:), Italian (5.1 Dolby Digital)
Subtitles: Italian
Duration: 151
Rating: 14
Discs: 1
Case: Slipcase
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