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DVD Dressage
Dressage, la dolce punizione
France (1985) - Color
Genre: Erotic, Softcore
Directed by: Pierre Reinhard
Cast: Veronique Catanzaro, Sylvie Novak
24.90 €
14.90 €
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Label: X Rated  (Germany)
Status: New
Area: 2
Standard: PAL
Ratio: 16/9 - 1.77:1
Audio: French (2.0), English (2.0), German (2.0)
Duration: 96
Rating: 18
Discs: 1
Case: Big Box ( Hartbox )
Article description: Pierre B. Reinhard's no holds barred pervy example of a naughty French film - wallowing as it does in incest, bondage, lesbianism, voyeurism and on occasions heterosexual intercourse. This is an elaborate costume drama set in the thirties taking as its central theme the revenge of an illegitimate girl, who, driven to prostitution seeks to corrupt and deprave her father's legitimate daughter...
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