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DVD Il maschio e la femmina
 Il maschio e la femmina
Il maschio e la femmina
Masculin Feminin
France (1966) - B/W
Genre: Erotic, Softcore
Directed by: Jean Luc Godard
Cast: Chamntal Goya, Brigitte Bardot
39.90 €
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Label: RHV  (Italy)
Status: Used
Area: 2
Standard: PAL
Ratio: 4/3 - 1.33:1
Audio: Italian (1.0), French (1.0)
Subtitles: Italian
Duration: 100
Rating: 18
Discs: 1
Case: Amaray
Article description: Godard's seventh feature, Masculin, Feminin stars Jean-Pierre Leaud, Chantal Goya and an uncredited Brigitte Bardot and is set against a background of an edgy France gripped by political upheaval, the Vietnam war and an election year in which De Gaulle kept his grip on power, much to the frustration of the disgruntled Left. Structuring the film around 15 scenes of varying lengths, Godard takes the deceptively simple story of the relationship between an ex-army recruit, Paul (Leaud), and aspiring pop singer, Madeleine (Goya), and uses it to impart his own complex philosophy of the world.
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